« Apple Case Study - from the iPod to the iPad - iPad and the Androids, why the iPad will hold share | Main | GDP growth up by 1.8% in the first quarter - it’s life George but not as we need it. »

April 25, 2011


הפרעות קשב  וריכוז

Higher profits, but the product is still vast liquidity that significant investment in marketing or working capital is needed.

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Hey I attempted to e-mail you about this post that i have a few inquires but cant seem to achieve ...

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Apple products had been always popular to there customers and other smartphone users. I wonder how Steve Jobs do this.


Hi need some help with these questions for case study thanks :)
1) One critical factor that affects the success of a product innovation is the ability to offer a differentiated product that delivers unique and superior value to customers. Discuss the extend to which apple successfully accomplished this with the iphone and the ipad.

2) How would you classify the Ipod, Iphone, and iPad today in terms of each product’s stage in the product life cycle? Why?
The life cycle is perceived to have four specific stages, introduction, growth, maturity and decline generally plotted with volumes a function of time.
In the product life cycle, each product are placed in different stages. For instance, the Ipod has been introduced
3) Provide a description of what you think each type of adopter would be for an iPad. Do you think we are seeing late majority adopters or laggards yet?
4) Do you think the IPad will continue to be a success? What factors support you position?
5) Apple has introduced several winning products over the last few years – iPoD, Iphone, and iPad – in markets where the company was a newcomer that successfully challenged market leaders. How would you describe apple’s product innovation strategy in the mobile devices market? Based on your analysis, what do you think apple’s next winning innovation might be? What are some of the barriers it may need to consider?

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great man :D

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