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July 23, 2011


larry Levin

UK 10yr gilts are very close to german rates, how has these low borrowing costs helped the economy. what if uk 10yr gilts were at 5%? how much damage would that do, low gilts yields allow for low mortgage rates, 100k interest per month is about £130.

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Revenues present a mixed picture. Mugging the high street with the VAT rise has yielded spectacular results with receipts up by 17% in the first three months adding £4 billion into the coffers. VAT receipts could contribute an additional £20 billion in a full year if the rate of gain continues. Income and capital gains receipts on the other hand are up by less than 2% at 0.5 billion and taxes on production are up by less than 3% at £1.4 billion,


thanks for this interesting information, do you think our revenues will show any change to a better side ?

גני אירועים

Rebalancing the economy by reducing spending and raising taxes will lead to slow economic growth with income and flexible spending slow. Thanks for this one.

free fico

Sometimes it necessary to borrow to decrease debt. That said - USA needs to either increase their tax base or cut spending. Preferably a combination of the two.

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